
THE “My-SHIELD” against Parkinson’s Disease

This book is not about myself. It is about life and the living who share my predicament and struggle. I was first diagnosed with Parkinson ’s disease by Dr.Teresa M Mangin at Dean Neurology, in Madison, Wisconsin on October 19, 2013. Within six months of clinical observations, diagnosis, and on-trial medications, I was medically confirmed positive and was prevented from working on my last job since then.

In writing this book, I have carefully laid out a step by step introduction on each chapter about the disease and my-SHIELD, a multi-faceted lifestyle therapy to improve your quality of life with a humanistic agenda (incorporating your doctor’s prescribed medications & symptoms modifying treatments, and my-SHIELD) to enjoy more flexibility and mobility, living life to its fullest, on a day-to-day basis.


Test Your IQ on Parkinson’s Disease & “my-SHIELD” Therapy (100 Common Questions)

1. What is Parkinson’s Disease?
2. Which age group is most affected?
3. What is the probability of an aging individual being afflicted with this disease?
4. What is the population of PD patients in America?
5. What is the population of PD patients worldwide?
6. Is Parkinson’s Disease curable?
7. What are the motor symptoms of Parkinson’s?
8. What are the non-motor symptoms of Parkinson’s?
9. What are the pre-clinical symptoms of Parkinson’s?
10. What are the advanced symptoms of Parkinson’s?
11. What is the life expectancy of a Parkinson’s patient?
12. Who were the three famous people (from USA) being diagnosed with Parkinson’s?
13. What are the possible causes of Parkinson’s?
14. Who founded Parkinson’s Disease (which year)?
15. What were the treatments options then?
16. What are the prevalent treatment options now?
17. What are the advanced treatment options now?
18. What are some alternative treatment options now?
19. What are some possible breakthrough strategies of curing the disease?
20. What is dopamine?
21. What are the functions of dopamine?
22. Where are dopamines synthesized in our body?
23. Are dopamines synthesized in the blood vessels?
24. What is the most common dopaminergic medicine prescribed for a patient?
25. What is Blood Brain Barrier (BBB)?
26. What is required to cross the BBB to increase dopamine concentration?
27. What is tyrosine?
28. What part does it play in the synthesis of dopamine?
29. What other micronutrients/vitamins required in the synthesis process?
30. What is lewy body?
31. What is another synonym for lewy body?
32. What harmful effect does lewy body bring to the brain?
33. What is plague?
34. What is another synonym for plague?
35. What harmful effect does plague bring to the brain?
36. What is the most prevalent medication prescribed for a PD patient?
37. What are the side effects of this medication?
38. What is Substantia Nigra?
39. Which part of the brain is Substantia Nigra located?
40. What is the major function of Substantia Nigra?
41. Which part of the brain is Basal Ganglia located?
42. What is the function of the Basal Ganglia?
43. What is the function of the Frontal Lobe of the brain?
44. What is the function of the Parietal Lobe of the brain?
45. What is the function of the Primary Somatosensory Cortex of the brain?
46. What is the function of the Motor Cortex of the brain?
47. What is the function of the Temporal Lobe of the brain?
48. What is the function of the Occipital Lobe of the brain?
49. What is the function of the Cerebellum of the brain?
50. What is the function of the Cerebrum of the brain?
51. What is the function of the BrainStem of the brain?
52. What is Amygdala of the brain?
53. What is HippoCampus of the brain?
54. What is Thalamus of the brain?
55. What is Hypothalamus of the brain?
56. What is Cognitive Reserve?
57. What is Corpus Callosum?
58. What is the composition of the gray area of the brain?
59. What is the composition of the white area of the brain?
60. The brain evolves from four structural parts of development, what are they?
61. Which parts of the brain are greatly affected for a Parkinson’s patient?
62. What are the symptomatic manifestations of the affected areas?
63. What are the six measures recommended to manage such manifestations?
64. There are three major brain health, what are they?
65. What are the proactive components of the six measures?
66. What are the reactive components of the six measures?
67. What is efficacy uptime?
68. What is efficacy downtime?
69. Of the six measures considered, which measure is ranked top of the list, why?
70. Of the six measures considered, which measure is ranked bottom of the list, why?
71. Why is exercise important in combating the disease?
72. What is BDNF?
73. Where is BDNF found in our body?
74. What kind of exercise is the most effective of all?
75. What are the frequency and hours per week is necessary for effectiveness?
76. Why is sleep important in combating the disease?
77. What is proper sleep hygiene?
78. Why is diet important in combating the disease?
79. According to Microbiome theory, what is a probable cause of Parkinson’s disease?
80. What are the 3-smart considerations essential in developing your dietary plan?
81. Why is stress management important in combating the disease?
82. What harmful effects do stress hormones bring to a Parkinson’s patient?
83. Why are meaningful social interactions important in combating the disease?
84. What positive effects do happy hormones (love) bring to a Parkinson’s patient?
85. Why is learning new things important in combating the disease?
86. What is neuroplasticity?
87. What healing effects does neuroplasticity bring to a Parkinson’s patient?
88. The iconic Parkinson’s disease hero Michael J. Fox considered his Parkinson’s illness as a “gift”, why is it so?
89. The Medical Director of National Parkinson’s Foundation, Dr. Michael Okun said: “Timing is Everything!”, why is it so?
90. There are five steps required to construct an effective “my-SHIELD” plan, What are they?
91. What is Symptomatic Progression Chart- what does it record? Why is it important?
92. According to Dr. Bruce Lipton, there are three major causes of “Dis-ease”, what are they?
93. What are DoubleCortin-positive cells? What hope does Dr.Jocelyne Bloch (Swiss neurologist) bring to the table in her recent stem-cell research for Parkinson’s patients?
94. What are the six attributes of “my-SHIELD”? What are their significant roles?
95. How long does “my-SHIELD” take before you can achieve an optimal result?
96. What is ketogenic diet?
97. Why is ketogenic diet important in treating the disease?
98. Why are outdoor activities important in treating the disease?
99. Why is mental counting important in treating the disease?
100. Why is evening walking important in treating the disease?
Note: To find out your score, send your answers to iichef.usa@gmail.com